District Projects
Valley Outfall Sewer Relocation Project
In 2016, the Valley Sanitation District Board of Directors decided to evaluate options for replacing the deteriorating interceptor sewer pipe located east of S. Clay Street and south of W. Oxford Avenue. At the time, this pipe was 62 years old and with severe internal corrosion. Due to its location in an abandoned landfill, high concentrations of methane gas were infiltrating the pipe. The engineering firm hired by the district recommended relocating this sewer pipe outside of the landfill and constructing a lift station to pump the wastewater along the new alignment.
In mid-2019, the construction contract for this project was awarded to Iron Woman Construction and they broke ground in February 2020. Installation of the sewer pipe along S. Clay Street was completed in early summer of 2020. The lift station was installed in July 2020 and operational testing continued through November 2020. The old interceptor was abandoned in December 2020 and the completed project was accepted by the District in January 2021.
To see the Outfall Sewer Relocation and Lift Station Installation, check out the videos below to watch the entire process!