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2021 Budget Now Available

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The 2021 Budget for Valley Sanitation District has been prepared in accordance with the modified accrual basis of budgetary accounting.

Services to be provided in accordance with the 2021 budget include operation, maintenance and repair of Valley’s 26.8 miles of sanitary sewer mains.

Total revenue from all sources in 2021 is projected to be $432,955; general revenue of $233,520, debt service revenue of $121,361 and enterprise revenue of $78,074. Total expenditures including debt service, capital items, contingencies and emergency reserves are budgeted at $415,286. Operating expenditures are budgeted at $237,505, $8,755 more than 2020 budgeted expenses. Principal and interest payments of $68,487 and $52,874, respectively, are budgeted to satisfy the annual loan payments. No capital expenditures are budgeted for 2021.

Beginning funds available in 2021 are estimated to be $692,858. The reserve fund balance is projected to increase $17,669 to $710,527 at year end 2021.   

The complete 2021 Budget can be found on the district website under Financial Information.