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News Article

Protect Your Pipes Before Cold Weather Sets In

Colorado weather can go from one extreme to the other at the drop of a hat. It's hard to know for sure what to expect in the following weeks, but it's always best to plan ahead and start prepping your home's plumbing for plunging temperatures.

Before cold weather sets in:

Winterize your irrigation systems. Make sure that you turn everything off and fully drain or blow-out the system. Be sure to disconnect garden hoses from all spigots.

Fall Lawn Care Tips

With today's cooler temps and seeing glimpses of changing leaves, it's evident that fall is almost here. In fact, it couldn't be any closer, it's tomorrow! September 22 is the first official day of autumn this year. It's time to start thinking about fall lawn care!

Following the tips below can prevent your lawn from getting strained during the coldest months ahead and help it reemerge healthy and lush in the springtime.

Lawn Hibernation

Is my lawn asleep or dead?

A brown lawn does not always mean your lawn is dead; it could just be dormant. Some yellowing may be a sign of a dormant lawn. When your lawn is in hibernation, it shuts down to withstand weather changes as well as conserve water and nutrients.

Grass that is dead, however, will not come back. If there are dry spots, hand-water them rather than over-watering your entire lawn. Small changes can make a big difference when it comes to saving water!

Office Closed on Labor Day

The District office will be closed on Monday, September 6th in observance of Labor Day.

If you have urgent business with the district on this day, please call the main number at 303-979-2333. The on-call staff person will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Drought Status

Drought conditions somewhat improve in the West.

According to the August 3 update from the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), 6.4% of Colorado falls into the exceptional drought category, 21% is in an extreme drought, 29.6% is in a severe drought, 34.5% is in a moderate drought, and 43.4% of the state is abnormally dry.

August is National Water Quality Month

"National Water Quality Month is dedicated to making the most of the relatively small amount of fresh water we have, because having clean water is vital to our individual health, our collective agricultural needs, and the needs of our environment."

The history of water quality month started with the Clean Water Act that was passed in 1972, in which the federal government began regulating water pollution and made it illegal to dump high amounts of toxic waste into bodies of water.

Sprinkler System Tips That Will Save Water and Money

In celebration of Smart Irrigation Month, the district would like to remind you to make necessary evaluations and upgrades to your home irrigation system.

The district has seen many situations where customers have had sprinkler systems that are set to run at night (which is the ideal time to water) but are not functioning or set properly which resulted in not only water waste, but